From Openprovider API documentation
Module Tutorials > Search Product
| Tutorials
Command name
| searchTutorialRequest
| Returns a list of tutorial products matching search criteria
- limit default value: 100
- offset default value: 0
- namePattern
- withSeries default value: 0
| Result set of tutorial product details:
- id
- name
- category
- language
- type
- seriesCount
- prices
- series (if withSeries = 1)
Using PHP class
$request = new OP_Request;
->setAuth(array('username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password'))
'namePattern' => '*Direct Admin*',
'withSeries' => 1,
'limit' => 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<namePattern>*Direct Admin*</namePattern>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< code>0</code>
<desc />
<name>Direct Admin end-user series</name>
<title>How to use Installatron</title>
<title>How to setup a Cronjob</title>
<title>How to view your website statistics</title>
<title>How to install an SSL certificate</title>
<title>How to create a spam filter</title>
<title>How to use WebMail</title>
<title>How to backup your website</title>
<title>How to create additional FTP accounts</title>
<title>How to create a mailing list</title>
<title>How to use File Manager</title>
<title>How to install FrontPage extensions</title>
<title>Managing MySQL databases with PHPMyAdmin</title>
<title>How to create a MySQL database</title>
<title>How to create custom error pages</title>
<title>How to password protect a directory</title>
<title>How to change your password</title>
<title>How to create vacation messages</title>
<title>How to create an autoresponder</title>
<title>How to manage URL redirects</title>
<title>Hosting additional domains</title>
<title>How to create a domain pointer</title>
<title>How to create a subdomain</title>
<title>How to setup email forwarding</title>
<title>How to create a catch-all email account</title>
<title>How to create a POP email account</title>
<title>Navigating around in Direct Admin</title>
<name>Direct Admin reseller series</name>
<title>Administering Installatron installations</title>
<title>How to view reseller statistics</title>
<title>How to send messages to users</title>
<title>Managing support tickets</title>
<title>Managing user backups</title>
<title>How to change control panel skins</title>
<title>How to manage nameservers</title>
<title>How to manage your IP address pool</title>
<title>How to change a user's password</title>
<title>How to change your reseller password</title>
<title>How to suspend a user</title>
<title>How to create a new user</title>
<title>How to manage user packages</title>
<title>How to create a hosting package</title>
<title>Becoming familiar with Direct Admin for Resellers</title>