From Openprovider API documentation
Module Domain > Create
| domain
Command name
| createDomainRequest
| Registers a domain with the provided data
- domain
- period
- ownerHandle
- adminHandle
- techHandle
- billingHandle
- resellerHandle
- nsGroup
- nsTemplateName
- nameServers
- isDnssecEnabled (0 (default) or 1 - Only usable with nameservers of Openprovider)
- useDomicile (0 (default) or 1)
- promoCode
- autorenew (default (default), on or off)
- comments
- dnssecKeys
- additionalData
- applicationMode (required for new gTLDs; allowed values:
- landrush (during the Landrush of a new gTLD launch only; special fees may apply)
- preregistration (during the period in which Openprovider accepts pre-registrations for the TLD)
- claims (during the Trademark Claims period for the TLD; details can be found on the TLD details pages via the overview page)
- status
- authCode
- activationDate (only in case of a succeeded realtime domain registration)
- expirationDate (only in case of a succeeded realtime domain registration)
- expirationDateOpenprovider (only in case of a succeeded realtime domain registration)
Using PHP class
$request = new OP_Request;
->setAuth(array('username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password'))
'ownerHandle' => 'SR003891-NL',
'adminHandle' => 'SR003891-NL',
'techHandle' => 'SR003891-NL',
'billingHandle' => 'SR003891-NL',
'domain' => array(
'name' => 'this-domain-is-registered',
'extension' => 'com'
'period' => '1',
'nsGroup' => 'dns-openprovider',
'nsTemplateName' => 'Shared hosting server Apollo',
Please note that newlines and leading spaces are added only for readability. Those whitespaces should be excluded from your XML command before sending it to Openprovider.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nsTemplateName>Shared hosting server Apollo</nsTemplateName>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< code>0</code>
<activationDate>2011-04-22 14:14:32</activationDate>
<expirationDate>2012-04-22 14:41:32</expirationDate>
<expirationDateOpenprovider>2012-04-22 14:41:32</expirationDateOpenprovider>