From Openprovider API documentation
Module Extension > Search
| extension
Command name
| searchExtensionRequest
| Returns a list of extensions (TLDs) matching search criteria
- limit (default value: 100, maximum value: 1000)
- offset (default value: 0)
- onlyNames (use to receive only the list of TLDs in the response)
- withDescription (default value: 0)
- withPrice (default value: 0)
- withUsageCount (default value: 0)
| Result set of extension details:
- name
- minPeriod (minimum period of registration in years)
- maxPeriod (maximum period of registration in years)
- transferAvailable (if transfer is available for this TLD)
- tradeAvailable (if trade is available for this TLD)
- isTransferAuthCodeRequired (if transfer is done via authorization code)
- isTradeAuthCodeRequired (if trade is done via authorization code)
- isAuthCodeRequested (if authorization code could be requested from registry via e-mail)
- isAuthCodeAvailable (if authorization code is available immediately on demand)
- isAuthCodeChangeable (if authorization code could be changed via API call)
- domicileAvailable (if domicile \ trustee service could be used for TLD)
- quarantinePeriod (period in days that allows to restore domain after deletion)
- dnssecAllowed (if DNSSEC is allowed for this TLD)
- status (ACT - active, PRE - only pre-registrations available)
- supportedIdnScripts (the list of supported IDN scripts)
- prices
- usageCount (to show number of domains with such TLD in the account)
- description
- isLockingAllowed (if TLD supports 'theft protection')
- isPrivateWhoisAllowed (if Whois Privacy Protection could be enabled on domains registered in this TLD)
Using PHP class
$request = new OP_Request;
->setAuth(array('username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password'))
'withUsageCount' => true
Please note that newlines and leading spaces are added only for readability. Those whitespaces should be excluded from your XML command before sending it to Openprovider.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< code>0</code>